Busy Bee Organizing Plus

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Shelving helps maximize any available space and creates sensible organizing options. Here a gentleman was using a bench to hold an assortment of items and some of his shoes were living under the bench and were hard to reach. Placing a $35 easy-to-assemble shelving unit in its place allowed all the existing items to live on two shelves while adding more shelving to hold items there were on the floor and blocking his walking area. On the top in a clear bin is his inflatable raft and other ‘water’ items. Other shelves hold more ‘water’ related items and another hobby category. His shoes went into the closet on added floor shelving.

These four photos show an apartment’s maintenance room getting a greatly-needed makeover where the old shelving was removed and new and adjustable shelving was added. This created a more cohesive/cleaner look, which is needed in a ‘parts room’, while adding more shelving space by using 1.5 shelving units. Clearer categories and consistent labeling will help maintain this maintenance room as parts come in and and go out.

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